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Our services help distribute real-time data from the field to every people having the opportunity to monitor, analyze, and make smarter decisions. We enable administrators to check the overall business processes and functions performed by enterprise assets in real time, through graphical charts and bars on a central dashboard/interface. We create the perfect alignment and integration between “Operational Technology” (OT) and Information Technology (IT).

Get Business connectivity through Real time

Collect :Collect data from every connected devices, sensors and machinery. Analyze :Monitor key metrics and extract real time business insights. ACT :Act immediately to improve productivity, save resources and reduce costs.

Process real-time data from multiple devices in parallel and efficiently

Our solutions help to perform tasks concurrently and monitor more data streams from various devices in real time. Synchronize real time data efficiently to optimize business processes, boost productivity by over 40% and save in resources. Our services help organizations deploy real-time decision support systems more efficiently.

Shift to a streaming data solution

We enable real time monitoring based on streaming data to unlock the solutions of business challenges with IoT data. Additionally, we extract business insights on the data before it is stored in the analytics repository to keep the track of your devices and save energy up to 30%.

Easily handle millions of events per second

Monitor and manage data generated by millions of sensors and remote devices, detect patterns and anomalies in real-time. Our solutions help you process up to gigabytes of data per second, execute queries and generate business alerts for faster decision making.

Analytics for powerful and actionable insights

Process and act on the streaming data in real time. Improve efficiency by over 45% and differentiate your products in the market. Our tech experts enable you to review the overall business processes and functions performed on the data in real time in ‘two weeks’ through interactive visualization charts on a central interface/dashboard.

Technologies Expertise

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Events Hub

AWS - Kenisis